
Coup by Portfolio

What country does Robert Mugabe think he is living in? The latest twist in this saga of 'my country, my country' is that the old leopard is up to his old tricks, which is to be expected, but what I hope will not happen is that the MDC show the same restraint they have shown in the process so far. Mugabe is probably banking on them hanging on and grudgingly accepting the situation, at which point he and the ZANU-PF machine will swallow them whole. If this happens Mutambara would probably be the one to fold first. On the other hand, if they raise the barn and jump out of the deal - they might have lost what was/is essentially a 'see who blinks first' contest. I personally feel the MDC should just walk out of that agreement, and start talking to the incoming South African president to switch off the electricity in Zimbabwe. Maybe a few days in the dark, will make Mugabe see things clearly; though the old goat has been quite clever, the west is distracted by the credit crunch and South Africa is having Post-Presidential Syndrome - perfect time to launch your own coup by portfolio. Despite it all, I'm reminded of a quote about two old men and a comb...except in this scenario, it's a tired old man fighting a man with an afro, and afrosheen to boot for a comb! Honestly, Mugabe should just do us all a favour and drop dead.

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